Farewell January….
As many of us say farewell to January, it will be a month they are pleased to leave behind. With huge amounts of flu doing the rounds along with seasonal coughs and colds it’s not been a good month for many. So spare a thought for the library staff when you next visit and try to leave your infections etc behind you as being on the front-line they get hit with everything that’s going and unlike some public sector workers they aren’t entitled to a free flu-jab!! Rant over and we can all look forward to warmer spring days to come.
Coffee Morning 7 February – free cake when you borrow a book!!
Our next coffee morning is on Friday 7 February between 10.00 – 12.00 noon. We have been so pleased with the numbers of you coming along each month, but we would like to push the boundaries even more. One of the ways that Libraries Unlimited measure the performance of each library is by monitoring the loan of books each day. So, at this coming coffee morning if you produce a book receipt showing that you have borrowed more than one book from the library on the day of the coffee morning, you will be entitled to a free piece of cake (whilst stocks last) with your coffee. Thus, we can all do our bit to help the library cause – go on you know it makes sense!!
But do you find borrowing a book from our library easy? If not, the committee will be available to help explain how to borrow and return books etc. Comments from a number of you have made us see that there are a number of people who might attend the coffee mornings but have no real idea of how a library works now. So, if you’d like to know more, both library staff and the FoBL committee are there to help you.
FoBL Events programme – January to July 2020
Huge thanks to all involved in putting together our events programme for the start of this year. We hope there is something for everyone and like last year it lists events and activities until the end of July, and we will be producing a second programme later in the year. Many of you expressed concern about the small type face used in previous years, so we hope you’ll approve. As always to avoid disappointment do book places early and pay in advance to secure you a place and all bookings can be made at the Library Help Desk.
Future Events include:
Lifesaving Skills with Helen – Wednesday 29 January 10.30-11.30 – a free event, a few tickets are still available
Quiz Night – Friday 7 February – doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets £3.50 per person. We understand a couple of tickets are still available, so book up quick!
Talk – The Berryhead Hotel over the last 25 years – Date to be confirmed.
Health Walks Update.
We are very sorry to say that our regular afternoon Tuesday health walk is no more. Both Joy and Sharon have led these weekly walks for many years, and we were pleased that they continued to lead them when FoBL took over responsibility for the walks from the health authority. However, a combination of declining numbers and difficulties leading on such a regular basis mean that they have been discontinued. Our thanks go to all those involved over the years and if anyone feels like taking on the challenge and starting them up again do come and talk to us. However, I am very pleased to say that attendance on the Monday walk continues to thrive and information about this regular walk can be found in the new events programme.
Brixham Commemorates VE Day
John Brennan from Brixham Futures writes:
‘Our thank to the `FRIENDS OF BRIXHAM LIBRARY` for the £100 Donation [note from editor: this was the payment to advertise Library services, not a donation] to VE events. We hope that all your Members will be pleased with the adverts in the Brochure. Hopefully there will be a large FOBL presence at all the VE Events -but please publicize so people get into diaries etc! Please highlight to your FOBL Members the following:
1) FREE Launch Thursday 7th May 7pm- Conservative Club -all your Members invited
2)FREE Friday 8th May -Public Parade from `Man & Boy` statue 1030am-All your Members invited
3) FREE Friday 8th May Service in Town Square 11am -1145am-All your Members invited
4) FREE Friday 8th May 12 Noon Reception Scala Hall-All your Members Invited
5) FREE Friday 8th May 3PM Concert -Baptist Church –All welcome ( first come for seating)
6) FREE Sunday 10th May 1045am -Service @ `All Saints`-All your Members invited
7) FREE Belgium/ Evacuees Reception 6pm-Conservative Club -All your Members invited
In total there are 40 FREE public events planned as per brochure to which everyone is welcome.
We do hope this major event in 2020 helps promote Brixham and its heritage.
Thank you for all your help.
Best wishes
John Brennan, Brixham Futures
And finally…….