January 2020

Happy New Year


Welcome to our first newsletter for 2020 and not only the start of the New Year but also for the start of a new decade. To start this January edition of the newsletter if you didn’t get around to making any New Year resolutions this year, why not take a leaf out of Maureen Chivers book and sign up to ‘Intentional Health taster Session’. This is part of a wider programme taking part in libraries throughout Devon & Torbay and anyone can become involved. I have included details supplied by Maureen below but further information about other related events and activities can be found in the library.

Maureen writes…….


I’m writing to ask you to give some publicity in the next Friends Matter to the Intentional Health Taster Session which I’m running at Brixham Library on Tuesday 14th January between 10.30am and 11.30am as part of ‘Active Life, Active Mind’.

Intentional Health is an excellent programme which takes a whole person approach to health and well-being.  I’m attaching a poster which gives an idea of the scope of the programme and mentions one taster session, but not the one at the library.

I’ve really benefitted from the programme and am sure that other Friends would, so I’d be grateful if you’d bring it to their attention and perhaps mention that it’s being run by a FOBL member.


Maureen Chivers

Torbay Council


In the run-up to Christmas I have received a letter from Torbay Council relating to their proposed ‘Torbay Council Cabinet Draft Budget 2020/21 Consultation’. Copies of this document are now available in the library and I seriously urge you to ask for a copy and share your thoughts on why you think Brixham Library plays an important part in your life and why it is important that no further cuts to the service are not considered.  Following the recent refurbishment I think we can sensibly argue that future investment in to our libraries is considered, whether it be in terms of an increased budget and/or increased opening hours, so that once again the library can provide a service that can be used by the whole community and not just those who can visit during daytime opening hours. It’s a big ask but the more that people respond, the more likely the decision makers will listen to what we as library users have to say.

In the meantime, we have been invited as a Friends group to offer our views as part of the consultation. Whilst we are happy to do this on your behalf, your own views are just as important and I cannot over emphasise the need to respond as individuals.



Forthcoming Events


Our events programme is still being worked on by Helen and we hope to see its publication in the near future. In the meantime, our next coffee morning is on Friday 7 February 2020 between 10.00 – 12.00 noon, so please make a note of this in your diary or on your calendar. In fact, why not ask a friend a neighbour who has never been to a coffee morning meet you there and show them around our wonderful library.


And finally…….