Happy New Year

First of all, welcome to 2019 and a Happy New Year to everyone. Like all the libraries in the Bay, Brixham Library starts its year with a flourish with our  new events programme, printed copies of which are available from the library. If you can’t find one when you next visit do ask the library staff and they’ll make sure you get one. As usual there are lots of ideas for you to follow up and to avoid any disappointment do book a place on anything that interests you.

Active Life Active Mind is an annual programme of library events focused on health and wellbeing. All the four libraries in Torbay are participating in this programme this year and an information leaflet can be obtained from Brixham Library next time you visit.

First Friday of the Month Coffee Morning

Many of you must have been out and about on Friday 4 January in an effort to get rid of those post-Christmas blues. It was lovely to see so many people at the coffee morning and we raised £120 towards FoBL funds. To help with the making of hot drinks, the decision has been made to purchase a small microwave so that it will be longer necessary to borrow the library staff microwave from upstairs each month.

Our next coffee morning is being held on Friday 1 February when we plan to have another scarf sale. Any unwanted scarves can be dropped off in the library before the day. All that we ask is they arrive clean and neatly folded please.

Our new friend to the Friday Coffee morning is only 12 weeks old and is training to be a guide dog for the blind. This was his first visit to the library and a lesson in trying not to react to all the people around him. I suspect that many hearts broke when they saw him!!!





One of our members has made a very attractive owl which we hope to raffle that morning. Should you wish to see it before the day we hope to have it on display during the week of the coffee morning.

Walking for Health / Dementia Friendly Walks

Our Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon health walks continue to take place weekly and we have been very pleased with the numbers joining these walks. It has been mentioned to me that some are concerned about walking along the coastal path (Monday Walk) which can be very muddy at this time of year. Anyone who is apprehensive may use the alternative footpath route which doesn’t present the hazards of stiles and muddy feet. Whichever route you chose, all are welcome even if you only decide to join us for a cup of coffee in The Berry Head Hotel at 11.00am. The meeting place for the Monday walk is in Gillard Road at the back of the Douglas House Cheshire Home at 10.00am and on Tuesdays at 2.30pm by the Old Fish Market down by the harbour.

Take-up for the fortnightly dementia friendly walks has been slow but those who have joined us with their carers have enjoyed themselves. We take the walk as slowly as those who come along want to and try and finish for a cup of coffee at the end of the walk. Our normal coffee stop is the Chart Room, Brixham’s First Class Coffee Lounge, but as this is closed during January for refurbishment, we’ll find a suitable alternative until it reopens on the 28thof this month.

Newsletter Competition

We are hoping that you can come up with a suitable name and a logo for our regular newsletter. Winning entries for both will receive a prize for their efforts and we hope that many of you will rise to the challenge. Please submit your ideas marked as follows:

If handed into the library marked – FAO FoBL Newsletter Competition, Brixham Library

Or e-mail aca14@btinternet.comheaded FoBL Newsletter Competition.

Please submit your entries by Thursday 28 February.

Palace Theatre  – new service

If you are booking theatre tickets do book them through Brixham Library and avoid a booking fee.

And finally –