Tag Archives: bird watching

Autumn Bird watching with Mike Langman – Session 3 of 4

Meeting Point for week 1, 2 & 4: Berry Head car park

Meeting Point for week 3: Sharkham Point upper car park
The autumn bird watching is equally as exciting for birdwatchers as the spring. Many of the birds fly over our headlands in Autumn Bird watching with Mike Langmanflocks, some stopping to feed on berries and insects, fattening themselves up for the next part of their travels. Warblers, finches and thrushes are the most frequently encountered, their similar plumages cause all birdwatchers all sorts of identification problems. Local bird expert Mike Langman will help guide you through the calls, behaviour and ultimately identification as we watch migration in full swing.

Visit Mike Langman artwork site

£5 per week for members

£7 per week non members