October Update from the Secretary

What happened in September

Skittles Evening

Our first attempt at a Skittles Evening on September  21st went down very well. Big thanks to all who supported the evening, to the staff at The Skipper, and an especial thanks goes to Richard Brown for keeping us on the straight and narrow! We raised £70.11 for FoBL funds and, just as importantly, everyone had a fun evening.

Victorian Vignette of Cockington with John Risdon

Those who attended John’s talk on the 19thSeptember enjoyed a very interesting insight into the lives of the Lord of the Manor of Cockington Court and his family during the 1870s. It gave a different view of the lives of all sections of society at that time. Many thanks to John for once more supporting the Friends with such an illuminating talk.

Upcoming Events for October

1st Friday Coffee Morning – Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 

We’d just like to remind you of the FoBL Coffee Morning to be held on the 5th October from 10.00 to 12.00 at the Library. This month we are supporting the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. Please come along and bring your friends to support such a good cause – and take your chances at sticking the cherry on the cake or the guess the weight competitions.

Children’s Half Term Activities 24 October

The list is now open for the free Half Term Children’s activities. These have been very popular in the past so please put names down early so as not to be disappointed.

Cosgrave & Banks in Concert – 16th November

Tickets are now on sale for our Autumn Concert with Cosgrave and Banks. Their last concert in 2016 was a sell out and we have had many requests for their return. Please book early for your chance to experience these exceptional musicians. Admission includes a free drink!

Eunice Dodd
