October News


At the recent Annual Meeting for the staff of Libraries Unlimited, Emma Aydemir our wonderful Brixham Library Manager was recognised in a ‘Making a Difference Staff Award’ for Creativity & Innovation. Congratulations from FoBL for this wonderful achievement. There is nothing better than to be recognised by your peers for the contribution you make to an organisation and Emma, this is richly deserved.


Dementia Friendly Walks

The Friends of Brixham Library support people with dementia, their family and friends and carers through their fortnightly programme of walks around Brixham Harbour. Dementia is a terrible disease that can attack any function of the brain. As a result, living with dementia brings challenges for anyone diagnosed with the disease and for their family and friends. However, with support and understanding it is possible to live well with dementia. What people with dementia share in common is that they want to continue to do the things that they enjoy for as long as they can.


The Alzheimer’s Society promotes the message that a healthy lifestyle features a varied diet, regular exercise and not smoking can reduce your risk of developing dementia.


If you are interested in walking with us on a Friday morning starting at 10.30am, we meet by the Golden Hind next to the Old Fish Market on Brixham Harbour. We take a leisurely stroll around the harbour towards the harbour arm, stopping along the way if required and then return before enjoying a cup of coffee in one of the local cafes. All are welcome but if you require any further information please contact Mike O’Donnell Tel: 01803 844013. Our next walks are on Fridays 4, 18, October; 1, 15, 29, November & 13 December 2019.

First Friday of the Month Coffee Morning


Our next coffee morning is being held on Friday 4 October between 10.00 – 12.00 noon. As last year due to a number of requests we are devoting half the money raised to Macmillan Nursing in recognition for the all the good work that they do.


Please note that as there will be no coffee morning in November whilst the library is closed for refurbishment the date has been brought forward to Friday 25 October 2019 between 10.00 -12.00 noon.

Please make a note in your diary of this change.

Library Refurbishment


The present Brixham Library building opened in the autumn of 1993 and it is a credit to project team of the time that the building has worked so well with very little expenditure on repairs and maintenance over the years. Funds of £54,000 have become available to enable a partial refurbishment to take place, resulting in the library being closed for a short period of time from 13.00pm on Friday 25.10.19 and reopening at 9.30am on Monday 25.11.19. These funds have been specifically put aside for spending on Brixham Library as part of developer’s contributions to the Brixham community. This is an opportunity to have a spring clean and revitalise the library making it an even better space that can be valued by all in Brixham. Amongst other things the library will be redecorated internally in all public spaces, carpet replaced, and improvements made on the ground floor as well as some minor shelving changes on the first floor. Both the library staff and FoBL have been busy fund raising to help make the improvements that are required take place. FoBL will be helping to fund some new furniture in the childrens library and the cost of refurbishing the meetings room on the first floor. Following the success of the regular coffee mornings FoBL will be funding a coffee counter on wheels. Currently, FoBL’s contribution towards these purchases and improvements is estimated at about £4,500. FoBL kindly acknowledges a donation of £100.00 from the Rotary in Brixham towards the cost of replacement childrens stools.


This is a one-off opportunity to keep the library looking at its best as well as maintaining its appeal to one and all. If you would like to make a donation towards this project, please pop into the library or call the library on 01803 853870.

Events programme – up until the end of the year

(Copies are available in the Library)


Visit to the Met Office – Saturday 5 October

This event has proved extremely popular and was already fully booked. However, we hope to arrange a further visit in the New Year so keep your eyes peeled for fresh dates.

Winter Thrushes on Dartmoor with Mike Langman – Friday 1 November, 10.00am – 13.00pm

Meet at Shipley Bridge (nr South Brent) car park below the Avon Dam. Join Mike for another of interesting and walks and talks as he points out local bird and wildlife life along the way. You are advised to wear appropriate footwear and clothing and to book a place on the walk the charge is £8.00 for FoBL members and £10.00 for non-FoBL members and they are available from the library.

Resuscitation Training – Friday 8 November 2019, 10.00am – 12.00 noon. (FREE Course)

Unfortunately, this training session was postponed earlier in the year, but we are pleased to see a new date in the calendar for this very practical training session. To ensure a place, please book your space and register your name in the library. Whilst this is a FREE course, if you would like to make a donation towards library funds you will be able to do so.

Wine Tasting at ‘The Wine Loft’ – Wednesday 20 November 2019, 18.00 – 20.00pm

This is a first for us in a new venue for FoBL. Over the course of the evening there will be a blind tasting of five different wines, a different canapé per person for each wine, a wine talk from James Brown (the owner of the Wine Loft) and a fun wine quiz and a final revelation of the blind wines tasted.

Please note that as this is a tasting no one is allowed to stick to their preferred tipple, and you will be offered both red and white wines during the evening. Seating is only available on stools, but the owners Claire & James will make you feel very welcome. Finally, should you wish to purchase a bottle or two to take away on the night then they will be happy to offer a 10% discount on any purchase.

Tickets cost £18.00 for FoBL members and £20.00 for non-FoBL members and are available from the library. Numbers are limited to a maximum of 20 so avoid disappointment early booking and payment is advised.


Christmas Dates for your diary:

Christmas Coffee Morning on Friday 6 December between 10.00 – 12.00 noon. This is always a special library morning with Christmas stalls, music from a local school choir and of course lovely coffee and cake.

Quay Harmony Ladies Choir Concert on 11 December 2019 starting at 19.00pm

We are so pleased to welcome Quay Harmony for their annual Christmas concert and are delighted they have chosen Brixham Library as this year’s Christmas venue. Tickets are £6 for members, £8 non members, and available from the library and also from choir members. During a concert there will be a raffle with all proceeds going to the library.