May News

WBW Launch Brixham Legal Surgery

WBW Solicitors are launching a free legal surgery in partnership with Brixham Library.
Surgeries will take place on the first Wednesday of every month between 10:30am and 12:30pm at Brixham Library.

These sessions require no financial obligation and are designed to provide local residents with some free legal advice and guidance.

Lisa Stanton, Chartered Legal Executive and private client specialist said: “By holding these informal free legal surgeries, we hope that we can support local people with any legal queries they might have. We can explain their legal position and put them in touch with the right person to resolve any issues.”

WBW Solicitors delivers a full range of legal services including Wills, trust and probate, tax advice, residential conveyancing, family, personal injury, medical negligence and motoring offences. It also offers litigation, employment law, company commercial, commercial property and financial services, as well as a dedicated team of farm and estate, and food & drink specialists.

For further information or to reserve your slot, please contact a member of the Brixham Library Reception Team on 01803 853870.

Coffee Morning

Our next coffee morning is on Friday 3 May between 10.00 – 12.00 noon. Being the start of the Pirate Weekend, our local shanty crew ‘Missin’ Tackle’ will be along to sing a few shanties and sea songs from about 10.30am. So why not come along and join in some rousing songs as well as enjoying some coffee & cake.

Farewell to Sue

At the last coffee morning there was an opportunity for folks to say their farewells to Sue Pitman who is leaving to work just around the corner for Brixham Does Care. Sue has been working in Brixham Library for 14 years now. In recognition for all her hard work and help she has given library users over the years, FoBL have given her a Marks & Spencer’s voucher as their way of saying thank you. She will be missed but her smile and good nature will stay with her and after all she’s only just around the corner and has threatened to come along and enjoy coffee with us once a month.

Finally, thanks to all who supported the last coffee morning raising over £200.00 for FoBL funds. Whether you bought plants, refreshments or did your bit as part of the coffee morning crew, thank you for enabling such a terrific result.

Coach trip to the Eden Project, Cornwall

There are still some vacant spaces for this day trip on Thursday 23 May 2019. To avoid any disappointment please book your coach seat(s) in the library. The costs include the price of the coach and the £26 entrance fee into the Eden Project.

Senior members £26.50; adult members £30.50

Senior non-members £29.50; adult non-members £30.50

The pick-up is from Brixham Library leaving at 8.30am and it is hoped that the coach will be back in Brixham for 16.00pm. This is a first for FoBL as we have never organised a coach trip before, but we are hopeful it will be the first of many future day trips away.

Plant Watering

Two very kind volunteers are now helping with regular watering of the plants outside the library. If anyone else can find 10-15 minutes to help with this task to keep the boxes looking at their best, your help would still be much appreciated as ‘many hands make light work’. For further information please contact Marian Parker as she is kindly organising this for us – tel: 01803 855130.

Loyalty Card Scheme
We are very pleased to welcome the Brixham Steam Packet Company to our list of participating retailers. Any purchases made by FoBL Members in The Brixham Steam Packet over the value of £100.00 will entitle them to a 10% discount on their purchases. If you have an interest in ocean liner memorabilia or things nautical, then this is a shop that will interest you and the owner Bob Higginson will be delighted to show you around. It’s a great place to take your visitors and like an emporium there is a lot to look at and enjoy returning to a bygone age of the sea and maritime traditions.

Please note this discount does not apply to any purchases made in the Chart Room First Class Coffee Lounge.

… and finally

When was the last time you took five minutes for yourself? As the days are getting longer and lighter, this is the perfect time to steal away, step into the library, borrow a book and relax. Whether it’s with a lunchtime sandwich, a post-work or evening moment or a weekend treat, we know that spending time with a book will make you feel good.

Post Script
We’re always on the lookout for good copy for the monthly update. So, if you have something to say about library matters, books or ideas for future events do drop us a line.

Please address any contributions
F.A.O. The Editor, Friends Matter, Brixham Library and either hand to a member of Brixham Library staff, pop into the FoBL post-box or e-mail to

Eunice Dodd