Coffee Morning
Our next coffee morning is on Friday 5 July between 10.00 – 12.00 noon. Our theme this month will be tennis as it coincides with Wimbledon fortnight. So why not come along and treat yourselves to some seasonal goodies along with your cup of coffee.
A huge thank you to all involved in last months coffee morning with our theme of ‘Brixham Library back to the 1940s’. This is also an opportunity to thank John Brennan and his team for all that they did during the week of D-Day Commemorations here in Brixham. We are not aware of many other communities along the south coast that had nine days of activities and events and the town should be proud of what it accomplished.
Forthcoming FoBL Events
Boules & Finger Buffet – Berry Head Hotel Thursday 4 July from 6.00pm – If you have a competitive streak or just like to join in a bit of fun, then why not come along and join the Friends for an evening of boules. Previous experience is not required. The event will be hosted at the Berry Head Hotel and after games have finished there will be a finger buffet. Tickets cost £11.00 for FoBL members & £12.50 for Non-FoBL members and must be purchased in advance by Wednesday 26 June. All are welcome and to secure a place please make your booking in the library.
Sailing trip on the Vigilance – Saturday 13 July 9.30am – 1.00pm – this has become an annual event as that allows FoBL members & their friends an opportunity to experience sailing on one of Brixham very own fishing trawlers under sail. Tickets cost £23.00 for FoBL members & £26.00 for non-FoBL members and must be purchased in advance by Saturday 6 July, numbers are limited so make sure you book early. No previous experience is required, and you can either join in working alongside the crew or just enjoy a trip aboard. Wind & waterproof apparel along with rubber soled shoes are advised. Once again if you require further information please ask in the library.
Please note that tickets and reservations for events must be made at the Library as they manage the events lists. If you try and book via the FoBL e-mail, you may miss out on your ticket.
Illustrated Talk by Lin Williams and FoBL AGM Tuesday 16 July 18.15 – 20.30pm – we are very privileged to have Lin join us giving an illustrated talk about the work being done in Malawi among schools and women’s groups. Come and discover Malawi – The Warm Heart of Africa. This is a FREE event and refreshments will be provided during the evening.
Missin’ Tackle Shanty Crew singing on the Old Fish Quay, Brixham Harbour – 30 July, 6 & 13 August 20.00 – 21.00pm. To help raise funds for FoBL and Brixham Museum, the crew will be hosting their own FREE concerts down under the Old Fish Quay by the Golden Hind on Brixham Harbour. Singing a wide selection of shanties and sea songs, their repertoire takes you back to a bygone age when times were very different. So do encourage family, friends and neighbours to come along and join in the fun and bring your folding chairs with you so you can sit back and enjoy the evening ambiance down by the harbour.
Libraries for Today & Tomorrow
Ciara Eastell, former Chief Executive of Libraries unlimited recently made an impassioned plea for libraries for the 21st century. The following link: enables you to have an opportunity to hear what she has to say and you’ll make your own judgement but she certainly has my vote!!
Events Co-Ordinator
The Friends of Brixham Library are actively looking for a person or persons to act as their Event’s Co-Ordinator. Working alongside the staff in Brixham Library they will help to put together future events programmes for FoBL as well as organising the detail and requirements for each event as they take place. This is an exciting opportunity for anyone with time on their hands who would like to get involved in community related activities and to encourage interest and the use of Brixham Library. The position is as a volunteer, but the rewards are great, having the opportunity to join the committee as well as working alongside people with a genuine interest in libraries and their important role in today’s society. There will be plenty of opportunity to realise ideas for events for young children to older members. If this is something that interests you, please leave your name and contact details in Brixham Library indicating your interest. This could be a life changing moment, where you could make a real difference.
Summer Reading Challenge 2019
Emma, our local Brixham Library Manager writes:
We are trying to look ahead to our summer reading challenge and activities. Please could FoBL members save and drop into the library any of the following items:
- Empty 2 litre plastic bottles
- Boxes (big enough to cut a hole in and put a child’s head in) we are all about space this year in the summer reading challenge and we would like to make all the children little astronauts!
- Yarn
- Any interesting rocks they may find on the beach!
- And if anyone could donate kitchen foil – this would be amazing!
- Also, anything we could use to make a really big rocket ? that will be in the library throughout the summer.
Your help will make a difference to activities in the library over the summer period.
And Finally….