Active Life, Active Mind
Brixham Library enjoyed a full programme of events and activities in January and were pleased at the take up at many of the events. Our afternoon with Ros Fry & Annabel Coakley from Cancer Research UK went really well raising £32.51 in the retiring collection.
Ros wrote ‘Thanks for getting in touch. Great to see the press cutting from Brixham News.
We have now visited Honiton, Paignton, Torquay, Churston and Budleigh libraries and the best experience was by far at Brixham! We had far more people than elsewhere and lots more questions! This is clearly due to the promotion you gave it locally. Annie, who runs our local fundraising committee was really pleased to see us and to see the enthusiasm about beating cancer locally. We would love to come again, so do get in touch when you have any thoughts about dates or formats. We can be very flexible and will take your lead as you obviously have your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in Brixham’. It is always nice to receive such lovely comments.
Our life saving event run by Helen from the library was a great success and was over-subscribed. We hope to repeat this event later in the year and are investigating the purchase of some First Aid Manikins to help with future training sessions
Loyalty Card Scheme
We have received the sad news that ‘Liberties Cocktail Bar’ down on the Strand by the harbour have withdrawn from the loyalty card scheme. However, the good news is that ‘Another Chapter’ and ‘The Kitchen Shop’ are still very much part of the scheme and look forward to your custom.
Emma has asked me to inform members that discounts are now available for anyone booking tickets in the library for any Fougou Jazz event being held in Churston Golf Club. For details about this please ask the staff or phone 01803 853870.
Lego Club
The library holds a very successful Lego Club on a Saturday morning in the Childrens Library. If you know of anyone who has any spare Lego or Duplo looking for a good home then do look no further as new donations are always welcome.
Coffee Morning
Results for the February coffee morning as follows:
Coffee & cake £82.40
Scarves £13.50
Raffle £49.50
Change jars £ 7.73
Total £153.13
A great result and lovely to see so many people on the day. Our next coffee morning is on Friday 1 March between 10.00 – 12.00 noon.
One of our members will be selling arrangements of silk flowers in aid of FoBL funds and a sample of those available for purchase can be seen above.
Another Friend is busy making marmalade and has offered her produce to sell at the Coffee Mornings, however she does need some more jam jars. If you have any spare please bring them into the Library and we will pass them on.
Eunice Dodd