First Friday Christmas Coffee Morning

Brixham Library Market Street, Brixham, United Kingdom

Join us for our last coffee morning of the year and start your Christmas festivities here. There will Christmas stalls, music from the local school choir and, of course, lovely coffee and cake!

Quay Harmony Ladies Choir at the Library

Brixham Library Market Street, Brixham, United Kingdom

  We are so pleased to welcome Quay Harmony for their annual Christmas concert and are delighted they have chosen Brixham Library as this year’s Christmas venue. Tickets are £6 for members, £8 non members, and available from the library and also from choir members. During the concert there will be a raffle with all … Continue reading Quay Harmony Ladies Choir at the Library

£6 – £8

Monday Walks Restart

We are restarting the Monday walks from Monday !0th. August

Monthly Coffee Morning

Regular monthly Coffee Morning is this Friday. Including cakes.